Singing Guide: Rex Orange County

Singing Guide: Rex Orange County

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Rex Orange County is a UK-based singer-songwriter who blends indie and R&B elements to create a unique sound. A lot of his music is piano-focused, and his unique voice has a pleasant tone. In this article, we will dive into Rex Orange County's unique vocal technique and provide some tips to emulate his style.

Vocal Technique

Rex Orange County's singing has a lot of character, since he doesn't have a typical commercial voice. He has a slightly rough, yet warm and smooth tone. Here are some of his unique vocal techniques:


Rex Orange County often uses vibrato when singing. Vibrato is a technique where the voice naturally oscillates between notes, creating a variation in pitch and tone. "Sunflower" is a great example of Rex Orange County's beautiful vibrato.


Rex Orange County frequently uses falsetto singing in addition to his lower register. Falsetto is a singing technique where the voice is pushed up into a higher range without resorting to a full-voiced head voice or high chest voice.


Rex Orange County's use of intonation is remarkable. He slides up to notes, holding onto them for longer than expected or throwing in a slight pitch bend. This gives his songs an emotional depth.

Tips to Sing Like Rex Orange County

Here are some tips to sing like Rex Orange County:

Tip 1 - Enunciation

One of the primary steps toward singing like Rex Orange County is enunciation. Make sure each word is pronounced crisply and clearly, while also paying attention to timing.

Tip 2 - Stylistic Variation

One of the most noticeable features of Rex Orange County's music is the way he varies his style in order to convey a feeling. Singers can try to emulate this skill by practicing and experimenting in different styles and genres.

Tip 3 - Vocal Runs

Rex Orange County often sings in a flowing, improvised style, which includes vocal runs, or the quick and fluid changing of pitch between notes. Practice these runs with scales and work to perfect them over time.

Tip 4 - Emotional Storytelling

Rex Orange County puts thoughts and feelings into his singing that can easily resonate with his listeners. Try to connect with your emotions before singing. You may be surprised at how much of an impact your singing can have.

Singing Carrots Resources

  • Singing Carrots' "Pitch Training" tool can help develop the pitch and enunciation needed to sing like Rex Orange County. Check it out for interactive warm-up exercises that teach you techniques for both pitch accuracy and enunciation.
  • Singing Carrots' song search feature can also be helpful for finding songs that match Rex Orange County's vocal range and genre preference.

Overall, while it's tough to sound exactly like Rex Orange County, it's easy to appreciate his breathy and emotive singing style, and there's no harm in attempting to sing his songs more in tune with his style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.